Econf Theme
Table of Contents
This is how I define my theme in Emacs. It's probably not the best way to go about it, but it's how I have it set up.
Dependency | Description |
doom-themes | A thing that dynamically assigns links key sequences that you can jump to. |
(ec-load-deps deps)
;; Compiler pacifier (defvar modeline-bg) ;; These are the font sizes used for titles and other things (defvar ec-font-scale-level-1 1.5) (defvar ec-font-scale-level-2 1.3) (defvar ec-font-scale-level-3 1.2 "The smallest level of text.") (defvar ec-font-scale-title 1.8 "Titles in my files are this size") (defvar ec-heading-font "Jura" "The font for titles.") (defvar ec-title-font "Jura Bold Italic" "The font for titles.") (defface ec-title nil "Basic face for titles." :group 'ec-faces) (defface ec-headline nil "Basic face for headlines." :group 'ec-faces) (defgroup econf-theme nil "Options for the `doom-econf' theme." :group 'doom-themes)
Doom Theme
(def-doom-theme econf "A modern, consistent, light theme for my emacs config." ;; name default 256 16 (
Common Colors
(bg '("#fff" "#282a36" nil)) ;; this is the background for the hl-line, modeline, and minibuffer (bg-alt '("#f5f5f5" "#f5f5f5" nil)) ;; this is the background for the line you arent currently on (base0 '("#fff" "#fff" "black")) (base1 '("#f5f5f5" "#f5f5f5" "brightwhite")) (base2 '("#eee" "#eee" "brightwhite")) (base3 '("#bbb" "#bbb" "white")) (base4 '("#a4a4a4" "#a4a4a4" "white")) (base5 '("#a4a4a4" "#a4a4a4" "brightblack")) (base6 '("#494949" "#494949" "brightblack")) (base7 '("#212121" "#212121" "black")) (base8 '("#ff5c57" "#ff5c57" "black")) (fg '("#000" "#000" "black")) (fg-alt '("#d1d1d1" "#d1d1d1" "brightblack")) (ui0 '("#848688" "#848688" "grey")) (ui1 '("#606580" "#606580" "grey")) (ui2 '("#3a3d4d" "#3a3d4d" "grey")) (ui3 '("#1c1e27" "#1c1e27" "black")) (grey ui0) (red '("#E53935" "#E53935" "red" )) (dark-red '("#ab000d" "#ab000d" "darkred" )) (green '("#388e3c" "#388e3c" "brightred" )) (yellow '("#f57f17" "#f57f17" "green" )) (blue '("#1976D2" "#1976D2" "brightgreen" )) (dark-blue '("#004a9f" "#004a9f" "yellow" )) (magenta '("#7c1fa3" "#7c1fa3" "brightblue" )) (cyan '("#0097A7" "#0097A7" "blue" )) (violet '("#512DA8" "#512DA8" "magenta" )) (orange '("#E64A19" "#E64A19" "brightmagenta")) (teal '("#00796B" "#00796B" "brightcyan" )) (dark-cyan '("#006876" "#006876" "cyan" ))
Face Categories
(default fg-alt) ;; face categories -- required for all themes (highlight red) ;; when searching with (/) ? (vertical-bar (doom-darken base1 0.1)) ; the bar that separates modeline and minibuffer? (selection red) ; for like company autocomplete and stuff (builtin red) ; saw this in company autocomplete if i moved my mouse ;; over it (comments base4) ;; comments (doc-comments base5) ;; easy to test with elisp ;; documentation or git commit ;; first line thing (functions fg) (methods fg) ;; wtf is the difference between this and function? (operators fg) ;; make constants and keywords look better (constants fg) (keywords red) (type red) (strings base6) (variables fg) (numbers red) (region red) (error red) (warning orange) (success green) (vc-modified orange) (vc-added green) (cursor fg) (vc-deleted red)
Basic Faces
Here I set the basic faces for the configuration. Stuff like the initial
(default :family "Iosevka Term" :slant 'normal :weight 'normal :height 120 :width 'normal) (fixed-pitch :family "Iosevka Term" :slant 'normal :weight 'normal :height 120 :width 'normal) (variable-pitch :family "Iosevka Aile" :slant 'normal :weight 'normal :height 120 :width 'normal)
Code Style
Here I set the various faces for programming languages and italicize comments. As you can see I use a mixture of bold and italic faces in order to do this as it makes the faces distinctive without making it so that I have to go outside my limited color palette for this theme.
;; Code style improvements. (font-lock-keyword-face :foreground red :slant 'italic) (font-lock-function-name-face :weight 'bold :slant 'italic ) (font-lock-constant-face :foreground red) (font-lock-builtin-face :foreground red) (font-lock-variable-name-face :slant 'italic) ;; italic comments (font-lock-comment-face :slant 'italic :foreground comments)
Interface-y Stuff
Here I set faces for the stuff that is used in interface like stuff rather than code or a file like thing. So docs, dired, and so on.
;;;; Highlighted line (hl-line :foreground bg :background red :extend t) ;;;; Line Numbers (line-number :foreground comments) (line-number-current-line :foreground bg :background comments) ;;;; Ivy (ivy-prompt-match :foreground bg :background red :extend t) (ivy-current-match :foreground bg :background red :extend t) ;;;; rainbow delimiters (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face :foreground base6) (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face :foreground base3) ;;;; Modeline (mode-line :background base2) (mode-line-inactive :background bg-alt :foreground comments) (tooltip :background bg-alt :foreground fg) ;; Regions of highlighted text. (region :foreground bg :background red) ;;;; Woman / Man (woman-italic :foreground fg :background bg :slant 'italic) (Man-underline :foreground fg :background bg :slant 'italic) ;;;; isearch (lazy-highlight :foreground bg :background dark-red) (isearch :foreground bg :background red :weight 'bold) (pdf-isearch-lazy :foreground bg :background dark-red) (pdf-isearch-match :foreground bg :background red :weight 'bold) ;;;; dired ((diredfl-dir-name &override) :foreground red) ((diredfl-dir-heading &override) :foreground red :weight 'bold) ((diredfl-date-time &override) :foreground fg) ((diredfl-number &override) :foreground fg) ;;;; vterm (vterm-color-black :foreground fg :background bg) ;;;; doom-modeline (doom-modeline-bar :background highlight) ;;;; ivy posframe (ivy-posframe :background bg-alt) (ivy-posframe-border :background base2 :foreground base2) ;;;; Hydra posframe (hydra-posframe-face :background bg-alt) (hydra-posframe-border-face :background base2 :foreground base2) ;;;; Avy faces (avy-lead-face :background bg :foreground red) (avy-lead-face-0 :background bg :foreground red) (avy-lead-face-2 :background bg :foreground red) ;;;; Ace Window (aw-leading-char-face :foreground red :weight 'bold :undelrine t :font ec-title-font :height 300) (aw-minibuffer-leading-char-face :foreground red :weight 'bold :undelrine t :font ec-title-font) ;;;; custom button (custom-button :foreground red) ;;;; Solaire (solaire-default-face :foreground fg :background bg) (solaire-mode-line-face :foreground fg :background base2) (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face :foreground comments :background fg-alt ) (solaire-hl-line-face :foreground bg :background red :extend t) ;;; window divider (vertical-border :foreground base2 :background base2) ;;;; Links (link-visited :foreground dark-red)
(emms-playlist-track-face :foreground red) (emms-playlist-selected-face :foreground bg :background red :extend t) ;; (emms-browser-year/genere-face) ;; (emms-brwoser-artist-face :foreground fg)
Documentation Lookups
I set the documentation lookup function faces so the interfaces for them are more consistent
;;;; Helpful (helpful-heading :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold :height ec-font-scale-level-1) ;;;; Info Mode (info-title-1 :background red :foreground bg :slant 'italic :weight 'bold :extend t :font ec-title-font :height ec-font-scale-title) (info-title-2 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold :height ec-font-scale-level-1) (info-title-3 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold :height ec-font-scale-level-2) (info-title-4 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold :height ec-font-scale-level-3) (info-quoted :background bg-alt)
Elfeed Related
;;;; Message headers for emails and the like (message-header-subject :background red :foreground bg :slant 'italic :weight 'bold :extend t :font ec-title-font :height ec-font-scale-title) (message-header-name :foreground comments :inherit 'fixed-pitch) (message-header-other :foreground fg) ;;;; Elfeed (elfeed-search-feed-face :foreground red) (elfeed-search-date-face :foreground comments) (elfeed-search-filter-face :foreground red :slant 'italic)
;;;; w3m (w3m-error :foreground red :weight 'bold) (w3m-image :foreground red :underline t :weight 'bold) ;; form buttons (w3m-form-button :foreground red :background bg :box '(:line-width 1 :style none)) (w3m-form-button-mouse :foreground bg-alt :background red :box '(:line-width 1 :style none)) (w3m-form-button-pressed :foreground bg-alt :background red :box '(:line-width 1 :style none)) ;; Text entries (w3m-form :foreground red) ;; header line (w3m-header-line-title :foreground red :background bg-alt :weight 'bold) (w3m-header-line-background :background bg-alt) (w3m-header-line-content :background bg-alt :foreground fg) ;; anchors (w3m-anchor :inherit 'link) (w3m-current-anchor :foreground red) ((w3m-arrived-anchor &override) :foreground dark-red :inherit 'link) ((w3m-image-anchor &override) :inherit 'link)
Outline Settings
Here I just set the outline fonts to be the same. I don't set their scale because outline-mode is used to display the table of contents for PDFs among other things, which becomes inconvenient if they have different scales.
;;;; Outlines (outline-1 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) (outline-2 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) (outline-3 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) (outline-3 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) (outline-4 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) (outline-5 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) (outline-6 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) (outline-7 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) (outline-8 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold)
Markdown Mode
A few settings to make markdown-mode like the org-mode theme which is below.
;;;; Markdown Mode (markdown-header-face-1 :background red :foreground bg :slant 'italic :weight 'bold :extend t :font ec-title-font :height ec-font-scale-title) (markdown-header-face-2 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold :height ec-font-scale-level-1) (markdown-header-face-3 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold :height ec-font-scale-level-2) (markdown-header-face-4 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold :height ec-font-scale-level-3) (markdown-header-face-5 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold :height 1) (markdown-code-face :background bg-alt :foreground fg :extend t) (markdown-inline-code-face :background bg-alt :foreground fg) (markdown-link-face :inherit 'link)
Now for the monster of a theme, basically all my settings for org-mode collated into a single section. Note that it includes other packages like org-noter as well as regular org-mode settings.
;;;; Org Transclusion (org-transclusion-fringe :foreground red) (org-transclusion-source-fringe :foreground green) ;;;; Org Noter (org-noter-notes-exist-face :foreground green) (org-noter-no-notes-exist-face :foreground dark-red) ;;;; org <built-in> ;; org code blocks (org-block-begin-line :inherit 'fixed-pitch :background bg-alt :foreground comments :extend t) (org-block-end-line :inherit 'fixed-pitch :background bg-alt :foreground comments :extend t) (org-block :inherit 'fixed-pitch :background bg-alt :extend t) (org-table :inherit 'fixed-pitch :background bg-alt :foreground fg) (org-code :inherit 'fixed-pitch :background bg-alt :foreground fg) ;; org titles (org-document-title :background red :foreground bg :slant 'italic :weight 'bold :extend t :font ec-title-font :height ec-font-scale-title) (org-document-info :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) ;; org headings (org-level-1 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold :height ec-font-scale-level-1) (org-level-2 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold :height ec-font-scale-level-2) (org-level-3 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold :height ec-font-scale-level-3) (org-level-4 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) (org-level-5 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) (org-level-6 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) (org-level-7 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) (org-level-8 :foreground red :font ec-heading-font :weight 'bold) ;; footnotes (org-footnote :foreground comments :slant 'italic) ;; org comment-like stuff (org-document-info-keyword :foreground comments :inherit 'fixed-pitch) (org-meta-line :foreground comments :inherit 'fixed-pitch) ;; tags and keywords (org-special-keyword :foreground comments :inherit 'fixed-pitch) (org-tag :foreground comments :inherit 'fixed-pitch) ;; Quotes and Examples (org-quote :background bg-alt :slant 'italic :extend t) ;; Clock stuff (org-mode-clock-overrun :foreground bg :background red) ;; Drawers (org-drawer :foreground comments :inherit 'fixed-pitch) (org-property-value :foreground comments :inherit 'fixed-pitch)